One Week in One Minute

While most time-lapse videos show things moving, with this one I wanted to capture as little motion as possible. My thinking was that if there’s anything gross living in the water meter pit in my basement I wanted to know about it. So I set up this time-lapse and condensed a week of time into one minute.

It’s interesting to see the things that move; the pipes condensing, the water meter moving during the day, and the water level slowly lowering. But what I think’s more interesting are the areas that don’t move. It’s a little eerie to see the days fly by while literally nothing happens.

It kinda reminds me about this recent story about a French apartment left neglected and untouched for 70 years, or the seal on King Tut’s tomb as it was discovered thousands of years exactly how it was left. There’s a very specific part of my brain that gets tickled by this stuff.